Tuesday 31 July 2007

For me the most memorable person that has been here has been Alfonso the AO he is from Spain like me but i always speak in English with him.
His hair is really funny is Afro and very long , i like it very much. He also help me when i have a problem and he is my house parent.
So i have a very good relation with him and i hope to keep in touch with him because we live in the same city in Spain

Monday 30 July 2007

A day in Oxford street:
Last Saturday we went to London for the first 2 hours we visit the modern art gallery which is next to the river. I didn't enjoy it very much because i don't like the modern art.
Then we went to Oxford street there were lots of people. It was a crowd!!!
I don't like going shopping very much and there were no nice shops to buy the clothes i like to wear.So i didn't buy anything and I was very depressed when i returned to Queenswood.

Friday 27 July 2007

yesterday we went to the British and the science museum,there where lots of interesting thins to visit from all over the world
to start with, in the British museum the part that i most enjoy was the Greece part specially the alicarnassus temple and obviously the mommies from Egypt.
in the science museum there were lots of interesting things to visit but i specially enjoy the machines of the boats and the games.

Wednesday 25 July 2007

my impresion about queenswood

the changes of queenswood in three weeks:
the first and second weeks at queenswood my impresion was quite strange because the school was really nice and good but it was a desaster there was no organization, but the people were really nice and funny so we have very good moments.
now we are in the third week at queenswood most of the good people has gone so is not that fun that was before but is still ok.the other thing that i need to say is that the organization is getting better and we are starting to have fun.

Monday 23 July 2007

What is a blog?
A blogger is a page in the internet where you can find information about someone.
Why do people write blogs?
people write blogs to give more information about thereselves.Is like a diary.
what is the value of keeping an english learning blog?
People of other counties and languages that speak english can read it and know more about you.
How can blogs help you learn english?
because you need to write everethhing in english and that helps you learning it.

Friday 20 July 2007

After two weeks of hard work and funny afternoons with our friends.. lots of us have to leave Queenswood...
We'll miss everything... the people and the place...
We hope to see you again..

Monday 16 July 2007


...The firSt week has passed very fast... :(

After one week of hard work.. finally arrived the week end!!

On saturday we went to Cambridge, a very lovely city, were we did rowing in a small river (with little accidents) ,
a treasure hunt and at least ..shopping!
we walking in groups for the hunt we saw lots of monuments of the city like the universities, the market etc..
We liked so much everything and we came back to queenswood with some gifts and with "cambridge" sweat-shirts!! Saturday night we had the disco and we enjoyed ourselves a lot!

Next day some of us went to Thorpe Park and the others stayed here in the college doing activities or relaxing... at the end of the day we were all very tired and we didn't want to do lessons the day after!!!!!!!